
Touch For Health  Kinesiology Association
The Touch For Health® Kinesiology Association was formed to serve the needs of Touch For Health  Instructors and Practitioners in the United States, and to promote Touch For Health as a system of complementary health care. We are committed to reaching out and sharing the amazing body of knowledge known as the Touch for Health Syntheses.

Touch For Health
This is the website of  Matthew Thie, son of Dr. John Thie, founder of Touch For Health.

International College of Professional Kinesiology Practice
This is the website of Dr. Dewe, who created the professional program.

International Kinesiology College (IKC)
Located in Australia. The International Kinesiology College provides certified training in over 60 countries. It is comprised of faculty members from over 30 countries. Its international database features hundreds of registered instructors who teach the Touch for Health Synthesis. The IKC sets the standards for the teaching of TFH worldwide.

Energy Kinesiology Association
(Formerly known as ASK-US or the Association of Specialized Kinesiologists in the United States)  EnKA is an individual and group membership organization dedicated to  uniting, educating, and assisting energy kinesiologists in the United States.

Energy Kinesiology Awareness Council – raising the awareness of the North American Public to the benefits of Energy Kinesiology

Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology
The Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology is an international nonprofit organization promoting professional Energy Psychology and collaboration among practitioners, researchers and licensing bodies.

Inner Source
website of Donna Eden, the author of Energy Medicine.

E Touch Software
the electronic companion for Touch for Health.

Wellness Kinesiology
with Dr. Wayne Topping. Workshops and books teach holistic techniques that positively change lives.

Kinesiology Network
At Kinesiology Network you will find useful information about kinesiology, links to international schools, associations and journals, a muscle database, links to research-papers and more.