What is Kinesiology?
Kinesiology comes from the Greek work kinesis which means motion. In the medical sciences kinesiology is the study of muscles and the movement of the body. Touch For Health, Professional Kinesiology and other programs we offer use kinesiology to refer to muscle testing, which is a form of body biofeedback. Kinesiology has been used to help reduce stress and pain, improve performance at school, work and sports, enhance relationships and promote health and well-being.
Kinesiology comes from the Greek work kinesis which means motion. In the medical sciences kinesiology is the study of muscles and the movement of the body. Touch For Health, Professional Kinesiology and other programs we offer use kinesiology to refer to muscle testing, which is a form of body biofeedback. Kinesiology has been used to help reduce stress and pain, improve performance at school, work and sports, enhance relationships and promote health and well-being.
What is Touch For Health?
Touch for Health (TFH) is a natural approach that integrates eastern principles of acupuncture theory with western techniques. Touch For Health was developed with the lay person in mind. TFH teaches a simple way to balance the acupuncture meridians without needles. By balancing the acupuncture meridians your system has more resources available to deal with physical, emotional and mental stress and enhance well-being.
Touch for Health (TFH) is a natural approach that integrates eastern principles of acupuncture theory with western techniques. Touch For Health was developed with the lay person in mind. TFH teaches a simple way to balance the acupuncture meridians without needles. By balancing the acupuncture meridians your system has more resources available to deal with physical, emotional and mental stress and enhance well-being.
Is it safe?
The techniques are safe and easy to learn.
Is this a form of medical treatment?
No. These techniques are taught with the intention of balancing a person’s energies in relation to their goals. We do not diagnosis, treat or work with named diseases. Professional Kinesiology works with enhancing the body’s innate healing capabilities. For any potential medical problem we recommend seeing a licensed doctor.
No. These techniques are taught with the intention of balancing a person’s energies in relation to their goals. We do not diagnosis, treat or work with named diseases. Professional Kinesiology works with enhancing the body’s innate healing capabilities. For any potential medical problem we recommend seeing a licensed doctor.
What is balancing or a balance?
Balancing is the term that we refer to when a person has a Touch for Health (TFH) or Professional Kinesiology Practitioner (PKP) session. We balance to release the blockages in the body’s energetic system. Often this is to release congestions of energy in the acupuncture pathways known as meridians. Meridians are the specific pathways that carry the electromagnetic energy that surround and innervate the body. Most of the meridians were named after body organs Often there is a relationship between meridians and specific organ functions. Meridians were first discovered in the acupuncture system approximately 5,000 years ago by the Chinese and have been mapped thermatically, electronically and radioactively by modern technological methods. In a balance we work with the acupuncture meridian system without needles, just using touch and energy reflexes. When a person is under stress (physically, mentally, emotionally, biochemically, electromagnetically, etc.) the body’s meridian system goes out of balance. The normally fluid movement of energy between the various meridians develops areas of congestion (excess) and depletion (deficiency). This will show up immediately with muscle testing due to the relationship of specific muscles to specific meridians. Over time a person may notice symptoms that manifest in their energy level, posture, performance, physical and emotional states. Essentially stress and subsequent imbalances in the meridian system has the effect to impede the body’s innate healing ability.
Balancing is the term that we refer to when a person has a Touch for Health (TFH) or Professional Kinesiology Practitioner (PKP) session. We balance to release the blockages in the body’s energetic system. Often this is to release congestions of energy in the acupuncture pathways known as meridians. Meridians are the specific pathways that carry the electromagnetic energy that surround and innervate the body. Most of the meridians were named after body organs Often there is a relationship between meridians and specific organ functions. Meridians were first discovered in the acupuncture system approximately 5,000 years ago by the Chinese and have been mapped thermatically, electronically and radioactively by modern technological methods. In a balance we work with the acupuncture meridian system without needles, just using touch and energy reflexes. When a person is under stress (physically, mentally, emotionally, biochemically, electromagnetically, etc.) the body’s meridian system goes out of balance. The normally fluid movement of energy between the various meridians develops areas of congestion (excess) and depletion (deficiency). This will show up immediately with muscle testing due to the relationship of specific muscles to specific meridians. Over time a person may notice symptoms that manifest in their energy level, posture, performance, physical and emotional states. Essentially stress and subsequent imbalances in the meridian system has the effect to impede the body’s innate healing ability.

Check with your state and local laws. A few locations require a license to touch another person as part of your professional work. Touch For Health was created for people to use on their family and friends. It is easy enough for even children to learn. If you are using it non-professionally, a license should not be required.
Can I self-test?
Muscle testing is a science and an art. Doing it well on others takes training and practice. Doing it on yourself is even more demanding. Clear muscle testing requires a neutral and unbiased intention by the practitioner. This is not as easy when testing yourself. There are some people who do self-testing. TFH does not teach self-testing. In the Top Ten Pain Releasers part 1 we do teach a technique for self-testing.
Muscle testing is a science and an art. Doing it well on others takes training and practice. Doing it on yourself is even more demanding. Clear muscle testing requires a neutral and unbiased intention by the practitioner. This is not as easy when testing yourself. There are some people who do self-testing. TFH does not teach self-testing. In the Top Ten Pain Releasers part 1 we do teach a technique for self-testing.
What is the difference between Touch For Health, Therapeutic Touch and Healing Touch?
Touch For Health is a kinesiology system that uses muscle testing for accessing information- a form of body bio-feedback. Healing Touch and Therapeutic Touch train people to sense differences in another persons energy body or aura. Then the energy body is worked on to normalize the field. In Touch For Health assesses and balances primarily through the body’s meridian system using a wide variety of techniques that include touch, tracing meridians, nutrition, emotions, etc. TFH integrates balancing for goals that can address physical, emotional, mental and spiritual issues.
Touch For Health is a kinesiology system that uses muscle testing for accessing information- a form of body bio-feedback. Healing Touch and Therapeutic Touch train people to sense differences in another persons energy body or aura. Then the energy body is worked on to normalize the field. In Touch For Health assesses and balances primarily through the body’s meridian system using a wide variety of techniques that include touch, tracing meridians, nutrition, emotions, etc. TFH integrates balancing for goals that can address physical, emotional, mental and spiritual issues.
What about other “K’s”… other Kinesiology systems?
The first “K” was Applied Kinesiology (AK). It was developed by Dr George Goodheart DC, a chiropractor from Detroit. In the early 70’s Dr. Goodheart began teaching his new technique to other doctors. One of his first students was Dr. John Thie, DC from Pasadena, CA. Dr Thie took what he considered were simple, non-medical techniques from AK and created Touch For Health. Today AK is still taught almost exclusively to doctors. TFH is a program for lay people and professionals taught in over 100 countries around the world.
The first “K” was Applied Kinesiology (AK). It was developed by Dr George Goodheart DC, a chiropractor from Detroit. In the early 70’s Dr. Goodheart began teaching his new technique to other doctors. One of his first students was Dr. John Thie, DC from Pasadena, CA. Dr Thie took what he considered were simple, non-medical techniques from AK and created Touch For Health. Today AK is still taught almost exclusively to doctors. TFH is a program for lay people and professionals taught in over 100 countries around the world.
Many people who studied TFH explored various ways to extend the use of this biofeedback skill. Systems were developed focusing on education, emotional clearing, brain/mind functioning, spiritual work and other creative approaches to life. A number of new kinesiology systems or “K’s” have been created. A few like PKP have spread worldwide. PKP is the first to be recognized as a professional training program by a national government.
There are many other systems of Kinesiology like Edu-K/Brain Gym, Energy Medicine, Body Talk, Three in One systems, Wellness Kinesiology, Applied Physiology, LEAP, etc.